Saturday 23 May 2015

The butter up!

Really buttering me up it seems... more to come!


Good Morning Sunshine,

How is your night?  I was able to make up the balance for the parts. My cousin could not come with anything, I had to use my upkeep money to make up for the balance. Now I am left with nothing. But I still feel better that I was able to pay for the parts this morning.
I love you so much Marilyn. You are so far and yet so close. You are many miles and so many moons away and I get lonely just thinking of the distance between us, yet in my heart you are just a beat away. When I feel blue, I picture you with me on a moon-lit night holding hands and planning our great future together. I think of the good times to come when I will be embraced by your love. I have been patient, my love, because I know good things come to those who wait.
Remember, our love is the link that holds our two hearts together and if I could put into words how you make me feel when I think of you, and how much you excite me when I hear your sweet sexy voice, I would be talking forever. You're all that I need and want, Honey. I live for the day that I can sit next to you and whisper into your ear and tell you that I love you, and kiss you ever so lightly but passionately on your lips, and to look into your beautiful eyes as you take my breath away. I live for that first look into your eyes, that first passionate kiss, that first embrace and that first time that we make love together. I live to live, to spend a lifetime with you as your Husband and to grow old with you, loving you for all times from now to eternity. I love to love you Marilyn.

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