Wednesday 20 May 2015

Email # 5

So the romance kept coming!   I am not sure who put all these emails together but they are good.

Here is Email # 5:

Hello My wonderful Marilyn,

How are you and how was your night? I hope your time at your friend's was good? I not feeling of taking care of a cancer patient. It was something I did for over  year when my wife was ill, not a good experience anyway, but then, it was worth doing it for a loved one.

I like it that you are very close to your kids the way I am to my daughter. I hope to meet with them when I am back. My daughter will not start having kids till she is thirty. She and her husband and in agreement to that. My daughter always asked me how did I manage with her mom to go through those years without having those kind of fight that destroys marriages? I tell my daughter, a good marriage is built on honesty, compromise and effective communication. These three things will breed understanding in the marriage. And she said he was living by them even while they were dating.

Marilyn, , I believe that I do have a lot to say and it must have been from my life experiences all summed up. Sometimes we get lost along the way, We were told to look for the brightest star, it may lead us back. Maybe after all that's happened, our paths will cross another soul seeking same life adventure, again and we won't be lost anymore because we would've found each other. Until then, I'll be looking out for you, guiding you through, Maybe you could be my guardian star too. Because I really want the life beyond dreams, To wake up to her smell, to open my eyes making her face the first thing I see in the morning.

I would sure love to chase her off with my naughty acts lol, because I really would love to see her smile and giggle over and over everyday. Most times I would love to drive with her next to me, and sometimes I get lazy and want to get spoilt so she can drive me too,(smiles). I think a dip in the pool middle of the night would be calming. I would love her to distract me while I get too entangled in my business works at home hehehe. Taking her to bed would be my joy and I would also love to watch her sleep.

Life is beautiful, and it starts the very day we realize all it takes to be happy .Do you know I have gotten a new glow since I started to talking to you this wonderful woman,(Smiles)? All my crew do notice the glow without effort and everybody wants to know why I smile for no reason while in meeting this morning. The men all have their uses, we have grown along with the years spent together. We share more friendship relationship than employer-employee relationship. Big Bill would love to see a picture of you, and that was why I asked for it. He is one who would never give you any problems among the crew of intelligent thugs I have, He is my closest and he practically manages me hehehe. Adam is the very naughty one who would give you the names of every single instrument in one sitting, He is a nut case and I am sure you would enjoy his sense of humor. Dan is the striker, He represents me , and my last trainee, Johnson . I trained them all and now they are my buddies. I am sure you will Enjoy their company. It is never a dull moment around the Intelligent Thugs Infact, in this similar fashion , Big Bill met his best friend and partner and he actually encouraged me. They are part of my house mate here.

I am a man who is known to have no fear, a high risk taker on business, but everyday in our lives actually goes through risk. I have shown you all I am, I will never pretend to win your heart, I will never hide a part of me from you. I took my last contract which is the biggest peak of anyone in my field, it cost me all and even loans to finance since it is my duty to handle local expenses till the end of the job so I get paid fully, if I did not take such risk how can I get high gain? such is the life we live my dear. I want to be very open to you.

I keep saying, people should stop going into relationships with these dreams only, We must realize at the same time there would be those moments we will need to be rebooted. There are times of anger when we would say things that we dont mean, and only those who want to remain hurt keep record of such wrongs and hold on to it. While we may have different views about some things , we only have to remember that we are all people with different views but what we have in common is general and it is the spirit of love and joy. I am happy to have a sense of hope, but like they say, Once in your life, you will find someone who will turn your world around. Hehehe You do work miracles, yet They say Angels don't exist, so why are you here? (Smiles). All of our young lives we search for someone to love, someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere and somehow there is someone searching for us, we will only grow to realize, we are the ones to look for it and recognize one when we see it. Do not let people deceive us about love, when people come and talk to you about their opinion about online dating, you should first check how perfect they themselves have lived the love life, to be qualified as the love professor because love is take what you get, Life: Forget yesterday, live today, and worry about tomorrow. Then love will come all on its own.

I wish I had the job to teach love to the world, it is actually not as hard as people take it to be. They just listen to too much advise on love affairs, not knowing the only thing that counts is the feelings in the heart, it is never an exam to be marked. As you can see, I am hopeful romantic hehe, seriously you will be shocked I may be the most romantic person you'll know, I cant help it and I cant change it, it is who and what I am. I say, it is either you take me for me or not, there is no shaping it. Do you agree with me that life is short no matter how long we live it? I think people should start worrying about how well they live rather than how long. We are never promised tomorrow, so have you made a good change today? just smiling at someone on the side walk could do the magic, it may soften a heart and the person may never be the same again, before you know it you have changed a life (smiles).

Who ever said finding love and building a happy home would be easy, we fight for it. I think I should start planning for life ahead, cos truly , the difference between a dead dream and one to pass is the step taken towards it. Are you ready?

Do find attache a photo of me. Looks like the first attachement never came through

Hope to hear from you soon my screen saver.


If you are reading this and any of it sounds familiar... then you are being scammed.  I am sure that there is a version of this for male victims too.  Please share and if you have more information... pass it along too!

Good luck out there and be aware of your surroundings on the internet.

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