Sunday 17 May 2015

Initial Contact

I received my first email from "Robin" and it was long and detailed.  I am attaching it for one simple reason... this is one of many email templates they would use and send and the words are searchable.  I searched online and found other posts of emails sent to other women and it was exact word for word!

Another Tip:  Besides searching online for your new friend by name, search phrases in your emails.  You might be sadly surprised by what you find.

Here is my first email from Robin:

Hi Marilyn,
Good afternoon and hope your day has been good thus far? My day has been busy with my packing, I am already set for my trip tomorrow morning.

I will be writing a detailed email of me, reserving only a few information that are less important. You will have to take be very relax to read my essay. smiles.

Hmmmm Marilyn! I must admit, I am relieved the first step is taken, the rest, only God can tell.(smiles) , Where should I start from? I really wish the introductions come like a form to be filled (smiles) I am only gingered because I know to attain greatness, it takes more than just the dream but an action to start with, maybe this could be the very first step to my dream future. How does one do justice to himself by introducing himself in writing? I guess by giving details of oneself to the best sincerity, probably a good thing as it brings the absence of blabbering , stammering and shyness that may make some information be withheld hehehe. Surely I will want to keep record of this day, cos there might come a time when I would wonder, "Was there ever a time that I did not know her" sure I would remember, yeah! " There must have been for we met on this beautiful day" and then at a time it may feels so long ago in the dim and distant past, for I may feel that we have known each other all our lives (smiles) . Don't mind my naughty self, I could write a novel daily if I get the chance. I have always believed so much in love theory for I found out it is the only price beyond money and only payment for true happiness.

I am Robin Ruud Hannes, I was born in the city Eindhoven, Netherlands in April 30 1956, to a Dutch father and an English mother from Liverpool, England. I left the Netherlands in my teenage years with my mother to the UK after the death of my father, in 1972. I was just sixteen at the time. I have lived, schooled and worked in England until 8 years back when my wife and I relocated first to Alberta, before moving to Oakville. Oakville is my late wife's accesteral home and she likes it there. I lost my wife in March 2009 and My mom 10 years back. I do not have any brother or sister as I am the only child to my parent. I have got uncles, Aunts and Cousins all living in England and Australia.

Like I told you on, I am a civil Engineer I do basically oil rig constructions and renovations. Or what we call a turn around maintenance. Right now I am on a contract to renovate an oil Rig in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates( U.A.E). I came back home to spend the holidays with my daughter. I believe in honesty and loyalty. I will be done there in five to six weeks.

Sharjah is one of the 7 Emirates of the UAE, like Abu Dhabi which is the seat of power and Dubai is the commercial Capital. Sharjah has a common boundary with Dubai. In fact, you cannot tell when you have left Dubai for sharjah or Sharjah for Dubai as you will think you are still in the city. This will happen if you do not know the boundary between them or not looking at the signs when driving. Toronto is bigger than the whole of Dubai and Sharjah put together, that tells you how small the  country is.

Moving on, I studied in the university of Liverpool, England and Imperial college London for my masters. I worked for British Petroleum for 18 yrs before I resign to become my own boss.

I have been a widow for 6 years now. my late wife was a lovely woman with a good heart. she was not a beauty but she was beautiful. She was 5 feet 3 inches tall. she died in March 2009.She new me so well that if she sees me frowning she knows what to do. If I am smiling she know what to do. I was married for 22 years before I lost her to ovarian cancer.Nina and I met in a conference in France. I was just a year and four months into my job with BP ( British Petroleum). we had our differences but we never slept over it, but rather made up after a couple of hours. understanding each other was the driving force behind our marriage. My daughter is 23 and she got married last year to her best friend and they live in Alberta.

One of my greatest dislikes is being dishonest or telling a lie. It drives me nut and it can spoil my mood for a whole day. When I am angry, I like being left alone as I will calm down all by myself, but I don't get angry easily and I forgive easily too when there is an apology. I am not a man who questions my partners decisions as much, I show her so much respect in other for her to respect me in return. like my mom always say, the woman makes the home. I am a giving man, cos its in giving that you receive. I think of people a lot and I like donating to charity organizations. I don't hate, as it is dangerous to hate, if I have my way no human on earth will be hungry.

I hope you enjoyed reading about me and I am Looking forward to the day two complete strangers will soon become friends, what a history to be part of.

I would love to hear from you soon. A new friend.


NOTE:   I found excerpts from this email online quite easily... I can almost guarantee that you won't find your new friend's name anywhere since he clearly does not exist.

I sent an email back in response and received my next email back from Robin quite soon after he "arrived" in Dubai.  I have to admit... whatever Nigerian scam syndicate put this all together, they went all out on this scam as you will see from each email I will share.  I have no idea what the return is on the investment is for them but from what I understand, These scams are big business and are the largest import of money coming into Nigeria.

Search YouTube for "Nigerian Romance Scams" and you will find more than you ever wanted to know.  These people are evil and care little about who they hurt or steal money from.  It is all a numbers game too.  So if you are in their web, you are one of thousands.

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Hello... if you are stopping by to read this blog, please share this so others become aware before it is too late. These predators are everywhere and care less how their actions affect and harm you or someone you care about.
    Please get the word out!

