Saturday 23 May 2015

His coming home...

He is finally talking about coming home...

The email:

Dearest Princess Sunshine,

How was your night honey, did you get a good sleep? I had a wonderful sleep. I tried calling twice but I could not get through. I will try again later.

I am taking a little time to write you a note. Thank you so much for having so much faith in me.

You are my everything. Thank you for loving me. You understand me and you know just how to make things right. You will never know just how much I love you, but I will spend the rest of my days trying to show you. You saved me from the worst, and you are always there for me. Fighting is never an option and making love is always as sweet as the first time. No matter what, there will never be another for me and I will always keep you safe. I love you so much.

I've told you many times and I'll still want to tell you again, Marilyn, I really thank God for you in my life. Maybe in this lifetime, you will never know how much I love, I care and cherish you. Whenever you're out there like yesterday, I'm worried for you because you mean so much to me, even more precious than my own life! I can never afford to lose you, Marilyn.

I have been thinking about my arrival, when I am going to meet you at the airport. I am getting butterflies in my stomach just at the thought of seeing you . You make everything complete and I can't imagine spending time with someone else and having these feelings for anyone else. I'm anxious to see you. Time is ticking, and it's going by really slow.

I really look forward to the day when the both of us will be walking down the red carpet hand in hand and in the name of love, we exchange marriage rings looking into each other eyes saying, "I do not regret for choosing you in my life I love you so much, and can't wait to be with you. I want to give you my heart and soul. I don't care about anything else in the world because I am in love with you Marilyn. I love you. Thank you Wifey, for you have made all of my dreams come true. I could not ask for more. I am the luckiest guy in the world to be called your Man, I'm truly honored. Thank you.

Love Eternally and Stay Bless.


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