Saturday 23 May 2015

The details... where to send the money

I now needed to know the details of who this money was going to... This email tells it all.

The email:

Good morning My  Sunshine,

Today has been busy for me, but I can nevevr be busy not to have the time for you. How was your night? I love talking to you as it is always my happiest moment.

Please honey, like I said earlier, Do me a reminder by tomorrow or Sunday morning so I get al the guys together and we will take a photo for you.

Marilyn, You're truly the sun behind the cloud, the page behind the book covers. Every part of you is sensational in every way shape and form. I trust in you like soap trusts water. If I was to jump a bridge I know you would be my wings to fly me to safety. If the world was a straight line, we would follow its every move. If the sea were a blanket we would sleep under it. If the clouds were birds we would fly into the sky. At night we would paint our name in the stars, then travel the moon and look down on earth.

 As we lie next to each other in bed and sleep in each other's arms we will see each other in our dreams. We would travel the world and see the glory of nature. The beautiful flowers in their radiant colors, the different colors of the sea, the wild animals as they live their life. And then silence... it's all gone for we wake up in each other's arms, catching every second as we look at each other in our eyes, and catching every heartbeat that beats.

Loving you is easy because... you're the one for me. I trust you, I need you, I want you, and I know I have you. I love you, Marilyn.

LOve Eternally.


PS: You can do a western union money transfer to

Address: Jumeriah 1, Beach Road,
City: Sharjah
Country: United Arab Emirates.

He his my personal assistant. I will not have the time to pick the money as I will be working. He will pick the funds and bring it to me. You will email me the 10 digit numbers with the Full sender's name. 

The money never got there and I rec'd a flurry of messages on yahoo messenger.  I will eventually send this information to the govt. in Saudi Arabia to find this person.

I hope that some of the information you have read is helpful and will stop others from  going through this experience too.

PLEASE SHARE AND GET THIS INFORMATION OUT THERE!!!  These people need to be stopped.

His coming home...

He is finally talking about coming home...

The email:

Dearest Princess Sunshine,

How was your night honey, did you get a good sleep? I had a wonderful sleep. I tried calling twice but I could not get through. I will try again later.

I am taking a little time to write you a note. Thank you so much for having so much faith in me.

You are my everything. Thank you for loving me. You understand me and you know just how to make things right. You will never know just how much I love you, but I will spend the rest of my days trying to show you. You saved me from the worst, and you are always there for me. Fighting is never an option and making love is always as sweet as the first time. No matter what, there will never be another for me and I will always keep you safe. I love you so much.

I've told you many times and I'll still want to tell you again, Marilyn, I really thank God for you in my life. Maybe in this lifetime, you will never know how much I love, I care and cherish you. Whenever you're out there like yesterday, I'm worried for you because you mean so much to me, even more precious than my own life! I can never afford to lose you, Marilyn.

I have been thinking about my arrival, when I am going to meet you at the airport. I am getting butterflies in my stomach just at the thought of seeing you . You make everything complete and I can't imagine spending time with someone else and having these feelings for anyone else. I'm anxious to see you. Time is ticking, and it's going by really slow.

I really look forward to the day when the both of us will be walking down the red carpet hand in hand and in the name of love, we exchange marriage rings looking into each other eyes saying, "I do not regret for choosing you in my life I love you so much, and can't wait to be with you. I want to give you my heart and soul. I don't care about anything else in the world because I am in love with you Marilyn. I love you. Thank you Wifey, for you have made all of my dreams come true. I could not ask for more. I am the luckiest guy in the world to be called your Man, I'm truly honored. Thank you.

Love Eternally and Stay Bless.

The butter up!

Really buttering me up it seems... more to come!


Good Morning Sunshine,

How is your night?  I was able to make up the balance for the parts. My cousin could not come with anything, I had to use my upkeep money to make up for the balance. Now I am left with nothing. But I still feel better that I was able to pay for the parts this morning.
I love you so much Marilyn. You are so far and yet so close. You are many miles and so many moons away and I get lonely just thinking of the distance between us, yet in my heart you are just a beat away. When I feel blue, I picture you with me on a moon-lit night holding hands and planning our great future together. I think of the good times to come when I will be embraced by your love. I have been patient, my love, because I know good things come to those who wait.
Remember, our love is the link that holds our two hearts together and if I could put into words how you make me feel when I think of you, and how much you excite me when I hear your sweet sexy voice, I would be talking forever. You're all that I need and want, Honey. I live for the day that I can sit next to you and whisper into your ear and tell you that I love you, and kiss you ever so lightly but passionately on your lips, and to look into your beautiful eyes as you take my breath away. I live for that first look into your eyes, that first passionate kiss, that first embrace and that first time that we make love together. I live to live, to spend a lifetime with you as your Husband and to grow old with you, loving you for all times from now to eternity. I love to love you Marilyn.

Here it comes...

I figured asking for money was coming and after what I went through previously I was going to play this out.  See who would be involved and where they money trail went.

Next email:

Good Morning Sunshine,
Thank you for those photos and all the prayers, and I am putting those prayers to work. Please I will answer your questions when I am less busy with the prevailing situation.

Myself and Big Bill where putting our heads together after dinner last night to see how best we can get this over and done with. I told him I was going to make I few contacts this morning and he said he will talk to his wife  to see if she could come up with something. Of course, I will be paying them back as soon I am done here and my money is wired in my account. The contract sum is huge and I am making a lot from it. That was why I agreed to taking care of all expensis till the end of the project and I will be paid afterwards. I have attached two documents for you to see, only Big Bill has a clue how much this project is worth. And please do not share this document with anyone, becuase this document holds my financial future.

I have already made the contacts this morning, a few responded well while most of them had too many excuses . The only people who surprised me was my daughter and her Hubby. I least expected they will help as they are a new couple. They were able to raise $10,000  for me. They  said it was all their savings and I said I will pay them with interest and she replied, Dad. We only want the actual sum.

Big Bill is yet to contact his wife because of the time difference, they live in the San Diego, California. We are hopping for a positive response from her.

Marilyn, you must understand that I wouldn't let anything come between us and I cant risk my relationship for whatever I may need, but if you want to give me a hand, let me know how best you can then I can know what more to go and be sure I can be able to repay you. what do you think? You must first realize that it doesn't matter to me whether you are up to the task or not, because even a dime from my loved one would worth more than diamonds to me. As I have before Friday to get a vision of almost $22,000 to purchase spare parts worth about $175,000. I have a daily expenditure of $800 now you know why these whole thing is strangling my veins. I feel ashamed asking, because I am not a man known for this, it just that my hands are tied at the moment.

I need to rest  a bit as I feel a little ache in my head.

I love you so much.

the attachments really surprised me:

More bad news...

Of course things were going from bad to worse it seems... the setup was finally happening.

Next email:

My Love,

Thank you for sharing your dinner photo with me, it looks very yummy my love. Looks like I am in for some good food when I get back.

I finally got the attachment this morning. It was such a beautiful and heart warming message from you honey. I was smiling all through, until the moment I became down casted. I tried ordering the spare parts as I told you yesterday for onward replacement, but the company just informed me that the prices have gone up because of the cost of manufacturing. Immediately I contacted the parent company in china and they could only offer me a 5% discount from the instruction that was giving  to their representatives here. And what I have left with me is not enough to purchase this spare parts.

I need to have the spare parts fixed by this week to enable me meet up with my home coming date. And I must leave here on the 12th of May as I have set my sight on that date. I like keeping to my word, as I have promise I am going to hand the rig over on the 5th of May in spite of the accident. I don't want to disappoint them.

The whole thing is strangling my veins out and giving me a lot of headache. I wish this accident never happened? I wish I never had to spend that much? These are questions that cannot change what I am facing at the moment. I just thought I should let you know honey. I need to relax and think a away out of this.

I love you so much, I want you to know that you are always in my thought and I cannot wait to be with you soon.

Money details...

He started to share how much money this accident cost him.  Interesting!

The email:

My love,
Today has been very hectic for me running around to fix some things. Thank you for your uplifting words yesterday. I am glad my men are doing better now at the hospital, even though they have cost me personally over $92k. I gave out money to the deceased family this morning in form of compensation as he died in the line of duty and the family looks fine by it. And the hospital bills have all been taken care of. I did this very fast so that there will not be any form or resentment from any quarters. These Arabs can be very unpredictable, one moment they are smiling with you and the other moment they have turned against you. So I needed to act fast to avoid trouble. I just incurred a huge expenses I never planned for, such is life. I am still happy that there where no more casualty and the guys in the hospital will be discharged most likely by early next week or by the weekend of next week.

Today we will not be working, I asked everyone to take today off as a sign of respect for the deceased and the injured men at the hospital.

So tell me, how was your  night honey? You are such a wonderful and a kind woman, God could not have given me anyone other than you, I prayed for a good woman and he gave me a better woman. Thanks for your advice it lifted my spirit, I have taken care of everything already all I want is to leave here and be with you my love.

Thinking of you as usual and I am loving you more than ever.


The bomb has dropped...

So here is where it started to go downhill.

Email #13:

Good morning Sunshine,

How are you keeping up with your worries from the office? Something terrible happened  today. I got to work this morning even though late, but then, I had four locals down with serious injuries and one gone. This is the most painful thing I have come across. Now the Rig tow they were rushing to fix before my arrival, did swing into the best place after rolling down on them before time, so they were catalyst to its best position, but they did pay a hard price for this. I hate accidents on site, sometimes it makes you feel like not having to use local labors, because they sometimes make these mistakes that doesn't make sense. I feel bad enough to feel responsible for them. The four men are receiving treatment at Al Zahra Private hospital now, I just pray for the best for them, I pity the family of the deceased.
They spoilt my mood this morning cos they should have waited for us before making such vital installations. These are even men who lack basic insurance for that matter, risking their lives and now I feel responsible for what has happened to them. Maybe I should have been on the rig early enough, but I was too tired from yesterday.
Please honey promise me you will not discuss this accident with anyone, not even with your friend Dawinder. We are keeping this very confidential and especially from the press before the blow it out proportion. I have sent a message to the ministry of energy and they want us to keep this wrapped up so that no one will make a news out of it. Just know that I cannot keep anything away from you and I will always be honest and truthful to you.

The deceased was buried immediately  according to Muslim rites. I have attached some photos for you to see. The first is the deceased during the final Muslim prayers before burial. Second is one of the injured men Abdul being rush to the hospital from the rig. The third is another injured man Hamsik who is in pain and waiting to go into surgery. And the last is one of my expatriate staff Johnson who had a few cuts in his face.

Can't write much honey, would try later. Just know that you mean a lot to me! And I really appreciate you dear. The joy I feel in recent weeks is my best.


Stay tuned... it gets better!

These were the pics sent from this so-called accident:

Email # 12

I wonder how this scammer kept up with all the conversations and emails... I am sure I was not the only one he was doing this with.  I am not sure I could have done this.

Email # 12:

My Dearest Sunshine,

Thank you for being such an understanding woman. The intensity of work at this time has increased, as it requires a lot of energy and supervision as we are approaching the finish line. Some of the guys here don't know too much and my presence is always needed. This contract means a lot to me and I hope you understand.

Marilyn, Life is so unpredictable. Changes always come along, in big or small ways. I don't know what happened that this sudden change has turned my world upside down. I don't know exactly what it is, it just hit me, but there is something really special about you. It might be all the things I see on the surface, the things that everyone notices and admires about you, qualities, capabilities and a wonderful smile obviously connected to a warm and loving heart; these things set you apart from everyone else. But it may also be the big things ... the person you really are that I hope to know more someday. And it might also be the little things ... the way you walk and all your actions. I receive so much joy just being able to hear that you LOVE and TRUST me. If I ever figure out the magic that makes you so special, I'd probably find out that it's a combination of all these things. You are a rare combination of so many special things. You are really amazing.

Inside of me there is a place where my sweetest dreams reside, where my highest hopes are kept alive, where my deepest feelings are felt and where my favorite memories are safe and warm. I find that you're on my mind more often than any other thought. Sometimes I bring you there purposely just to make my day brighter. But more often, you surprise me and find your own ways into my thoughts. There are even times when I awaken, I realize that you've been a part of my dreams. Then during the day, when my imagination is free to run, it takes me into your arms and allows me to linger there knowing there's nothing I'd rather do. I know my thoughts are only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart because whenever they wander, they always take me to you.

Only the most special things in my world get to come inside my heart and stay. And now, I realize how deeply my life has been touched by you.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH  and I cannot wait to be with you soon.


Email # 11

It just keeps getting better and better...

Email # 11:

My dearest Sunshine,

Your Yahoo messenger message this morning made me happy. Some happiness I never thought I will experience again is back to my life.

How was your night? Because I know you work very hard, I want you to get some rest, especially at night. Thank you for the photos, I have always wish I was with you. Like I said yesterday, patience is a virtue. And I will not mind when you keep them coming to let me know the happenings around you. I will snap my place and send it to you later, either this evening or tomorrow.

When I saw the photo of your son yesterday, I felt very proud like I was his father. We all want our children to succeed and they do things in the right direction, it gladdens our heart.

Marilyn, every time I heard you say the words, "I love you" it was like I have been taken to Cloud 9 and I haven't gone down until now. Right after you uttered those words in your yahoo messenger, I asked myself, "Do I love you?" and as I look for the answers, I again asked: have you given me any reasons not to? No. I then realized that I have already fallen in love with you, and yes ... I am so in love with you, Marilyn Pope!

When my wife passed on, I was not ready, and when I was ready, I yearned for someone to love, to cherish and to take good care of - to whom I would share my dreams with and make them come true. I'd always walked around feeling so empty with a hole in my heart that I thought would never get filled... You filled that hole. I think back to how empty my life, and I am so grateful that you are here. I have found in you what it means to "love." I tell you a million times a day, each day that I love you. Although you reciprocate these feelings, I am sure that you have no inkling of the magnitude of exactly what they mean to me. You can do the slightest thing and it warms me. You may not even realize it. Each day has me falling more in love with you. I love you more and more with each passing day. And it eases me to know that as tomorrow approaches, I will love you more than yesterday and tomorrow will be more than today. You are really God's gift to me ... my answered prayer that I will forever cherish in my heart.

You are the most beautiful, wonderful, kind, compassionate, romantic, smart, sensible, intelligent, talented, kind-hearted, thoughtful, congenial, affectionate, appreciative, loyal, caring, loving, passionate, beautiful and an incredibly woman I have met and I thank God everyday that you are mine! I love you with my whole existence, my whole life and nothing in this world can take that away! I love you more than I could ever explain. More than I even understand. You touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend.

I hope today turns out to be the day I wished it to be for you. Today, I'd like to give you this little glass that holds the unrelenting memories of my past that shackles my being. I just have to give this to you and I have to do this for myself, for you, and for us. Today, I give my life to you - my heart, my mind, my body and my soul ... I belong to you now.

This may start sounding like a poem ... I don't know. I just wanted to let you know that you are my heart, my everything, and the other half of my soul, that I love you with everything I have and hold. Now, when I look towards the future, you are always pictured there. Maybe, in this lifetime, you will never know how much I love, care and cherish you. Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead. I can't wait to spend forever with you.

I love you so!

Yours and only yours,

Robin Hannes 

Email # 10

I had noticed that the letters were getting shorter but of course we can always justify anything... he was busy and the job was coming to an end so there was less time to communicate...

email # 10:

Dearest Sunshine,

I can never be too busy for you my love. There will always be time for you no matter what.

Today is Monday and Monday comes with a lot as it is a new day of the working week.

How was your night my Wifey? I miss you and wish you were here with me. I was thinking about you and wanted you to know how much you are loved and missed by me.

You are always my main thought and every other thought in my head revolves around you. I think of "our" new life together, every second of every day. I just want you to know that I do want to get married and I can't think of a better person to marry than you. I can't honestly tell you the hands I would have fallen into, if God has not brought you to me. Since I've met you, I've been so happy. If I don't have you, I have nothing, so why not fight for the only thing I do have that means anything at all! A quote from Earnest Hemingway says, to the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world. You are my world, you consume my every thought, word and whisper. You are there ... you are always there, and always will be. I will never let you go, I'd rather die first.

I've been alone ever since I lost my wife and here you came, and I will look no further. If I can't be with you, I don't want to be with anyone. You complete me, there's no longer an empty, meaningless space. I thank you for that, for you will never know how much you mean or how much you are needed. You are the reason I get out of bed every day, you are the reason I have something to look forward to in my life. You are my every need and want. When I fantasize, I think of you, my every intimate thought consists of you. I know you are as happy as I am. I would do anything to make you as happy as you've made me! Baby, you make my life worthwhile and you do it effortlessly, I love you now and forever.

Love always and God bless you,


Email # 9

I would often send silly pics and IM him through yahoo messenger.  It was an exhausting 6 week journey.

Email # 9:

Dearest Wifey,

Today is off for me and I am happy I will get some rest. I am going to do some swimming and relax my mind. This week has been hectic and this coming one will be more busier.

My daughters name is Shirley. She and her hubby will be more than happy to meet with you. I guess we can plan a trip to Alberta in one of those weekends when I am back. What do you think?

It was good you brought up the issues of intimacy. I have not been with any woman since I lost my wife. I want you to know I am pretty much a celibate like you. I will never be disappointed with you honey. As much as making love is important, it is not a priority. I am with you on this, we will take it slow and easy.

Marilyn, I just want you to know that I am very fortunate and very lucky to have you in my life. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me in recent times. You made me very happy and you made my life complete.
The first time I saw your photo was the best time in my life. You're the one who brought back my loving instincts. You gave so much happiness and so much love to my heart ... keep in mind always that whatever happens, "You're my one and only love." I love you with all my heart and soul.

Thank you, my love, for loving me and for giving me a chance to show you how much I love you and how much you mean the world to me. I know we're a thousand miles apart right now, you will be right there waiting for me, my love. I love you always and forever.

Love always,


email # 8

I think I would like to meet the person who put this scam together.  From what I have read and from the videos I have watched... many of these scammers are very well educated which defies logic... why do this when you could be doing something useful and beneficial to the world... making it a better place?

I had rec'd a phone call that morning.  The first time I heard his voice was electric for some reason.  I was truly not sure what to expect but he sounded nervous but it was nice to talk to him.

The next email:

Dearest Marilyn,

Thank you for sharing about your finances. I am indifferent of you have or not, but I can take care of us for the rest of our lives. Do not be bothered because I have come to fall in love with this great woman.

Marilyn, I sat down and was imagining a lot of things about us after out chat last night, I decided to put all my thoughts down for you and my greatest wish will be for them to come true honey.

Here are a few things I wish to do with you at some point in this lifetime:

Be your best friend.
Get caught with you in the rain.
Dance with you in the rain.
Stargaze on a clear night.
Watch the sunset together.
Spend all day with you doing nothing.
Moonlight walks on the beach.
Be more proud of you than I already am at this very moment.
Go on a carriage ride through the park.
Do a crossword together.
Have a disagreement (it could/will only make us stronger).
Go for a twilight horseback ride.
Watch a bad movie together.
Spend the rest of my life with you.
Have our picture taken together.
Eat ice cream with you.
Make love to you soooooo  passionately.
Go to a museum together.
Talk to each other using only body language in Public places.
Give you space when you need it.
Accept you totally and completely - flaws and all (I already do).
Discuss current events in a heated debate.
Have you see the error of your ways from aforementioned heated debate and make mad, torrid love to you, in the midst of all that passion.
Carve our names into a tree/table.
Go for a walk at dusk together.
Be one with you.
Spend all night thinking of 101 sweet things to do for you.(BUY YOU AN EXPENSIVE COLOGNE)
Hold you and gaze into your eyes and realize how much I love you...and tell you.
Gently run my hand across your cheek and look into your eyes.
Blindfold you and take you somewhere romantic.
Spend my life making you happy.
Spend my life making our family happy.
Feel your heartbeat.
ALWAYS being honest with each other.
Go hiking/camping together.
Have our first fight, make up and feel a stronger bond because we very successfully weathered the storm - together.
Meet your Family.
Laugh at someone together.
Share a plate of spaghetti.
Go on a fun family vacation and bring back the kind of memories movies are made of.
Go on a road trip across Ontario.
Count thunder together during a thunderstorm.
Envelop you in my soul.
Cook your favorite meal/meals.
Know you better than you know yourself.
Plant a tree in our yard together.
Look over at you during a family party and have you know without me saying a word - that I love you.
Be able to say "I love you" in 89 different ways - in 89 different countries.
Hold you when you're at your saddest and comfort you when you need it the most.
Be the one you come to for that comfort and holding.
Wipe away the days' stresses and issues, with just one hug/kiss.
And be with you forever.

These are my wishes honey and please let me know what you think. I feel your heartbeat now as you are my other half now. I do hope you are doing great and I will be so waiting to read from you.

Your Love Forever and God bless you.


Who could not fall in love with this?

The continuing saga...

There are many more emails and they may seem very familiar to you if you have been part of this scam.  The email address he used was and it may still be used.

The next email:

Hello my Love,
How are you this morning? I felt very happy reading your answers to my questions. Its a clear indication of the common interest you and I share. After the death of Nina my late wife, I have always wished for someone like you in my life. I want to say thank you for given me this opportunity to love again.
I am very indifferent about tattoos, and besides, yours is not the conspicuous type from what you said. Like you, I am a one man one woman person. It took me some years to make up my mind that I was ready for this. Though my daughter and a few others wanted me to move on, but I waited till I am psychologically ready before I ventured onto

Marilyn, I threw caution to the wind the moment I knew you are the woman for me, and that was some days back. I am not afraid of anything. I do LOVE and TRUST you.
Anyway, did you feel me running my fingers through your hair while you were sleeping? LOL. Yesterday was ok dear. We started final installations . I could notice the joy of relief upfront on the faces of my men. Even the locals are beginning to admit that they will surely miss us. They say we have become more of a family, lol. I love all my men, be it professional, acquired expatriate, and locals. While working I try to build a personal relationship with each and every one.

As I have said, I don't feel negative about any feelings I have right now, because it cant be failed except for lies. Truly, Love needs no map, for it can find it's way blindfolded. This kind of certainty comes, but once in a lifetime. Guys always seem to wonder what it takes to get a girl. Like, what do they have to do to make a girl notice them? Guys have to realize that they have to be sweet, caring, gentle, honest and still have that sweet little thing about them that drives any girl crazy: and that's reaching her heart. No matter how much you try, if you don't reach her heart, it won't ever be worth-while. And really how did this happen if I have a space in your heart now and you haven't met me to feel sentiments? it means I have gotten the most important part of the journey upfront (smile).

Who shall say that the maiden so pretty and fair shall always have the greater man; and the ogre who walks to the beat of thundering clouds will never find her prince? because really, love is destiny, and no one can really explain it. I hope your night is good. pls keep me updated with events around you.
You are always on my mind.


Wednesday 20 May 2015

Email # 6

How perfect are these emails... almost like excerpts from a novel.  Maybe these words sound familiar to you too?

Email # 6:

Hello My wonderful Marilyn,

How was your night? My night was great and my work too. My work has been very good especially yesterday, even if I could not concentrait because I was thinking about you. I woke up feeling really good as I had you in my thoughts and dreams all night and I love it.

I got your photo and you look beautiful. I am going to print it out and keep it by my bedside. I told my daughter about you and she is happy for me. She has never wanted me to be alone.
Marilyn, Who are you? where did you come from? You must be a goddess disguised as an ordinary woman, I thought you were a nice woman, but then, I have come to find more beauty inside you, which makes you a very good win for any man (smiles). I took my profile down this morning as a sign of my commitment to you, hope I could get a reciprocation hehehe. I do not want anyone distracting you from me. I guess that sounds selfish.

Everyday, I wake to a new tune of life, like I hear the melody in this life more than I have ever done. Did they not quote, love means making the other happy, even from a distance ? I think you make me more than happy from the distance. Finding the pleasure here, and I know, Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure: where your treasure, there your heart; where your heart, there your happiness.I was reading on marble that , Soul mates are locked at the heart and written in the heavens, promised to find one another when the time is right, it never made sense to me until now.(smiles).

I mean just check this out, see what the life has been in my view for these past few days, tell me , Do you not like it simple? Another reason for me to always thank God, I mean whenever I ask for one, he gives more Hehe. After losing my wife, I thought I would never get the chance to find love ever again, but now I find my self surprisingly zealous and willing, I believe this second chance is for me to even do it better. 

They say, you can't hurry love, no you'll just have to wait. They said love don't come easy, I say no,! it is simple, it's a game of give and take. I mean as much as I really value and desire love, I can as well start with a woman like you, I mean what are the odds unless someone thinks it isnt time. After all, I cant deny the fact that you touch a place in me , I have almost forgotten the existence. You need to see my face now , how shining I have become ( smiles).

What I say is, Hold my Hands and I can promise never to let go or let it slide off. It is certainly sure for me, that I can make you the happiest woman in the world, it is no boasting. Are you ready for the ride of your life? Some people say we live seven lifetimes before end of time, all I know is I can live the fun of forever in this very one, and a lifetime in what is left of it. People may have thier different opinion about my feelings here but all I know is, if you are not the one in love, take your speech and opinion out of it, because you will never understand what it feels, (smiles).

I do my thing, and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful and I tell you, You dont have to change who you are at anytime to please me because, Love isn't love until we share it, but the real fulfillment in life is finding love and sharing it with someone who can freely and without any conflict love us faithfully in return.
Relationships are like snapshots; some you remember and some you forget, but some you never develop and you never get to see how they would have turned out, that is why I said, if you dont try, how would you know? Hehehehe.
May God see you through everything you do today.
Your Love attack victim


Are you following along?  What do you think so far?  Believable?

Email # 5

So the romance kept coming!   I am not sure who put all these emails together but they are good.

Here is Email # 5:

Hello My wonderful Marilyn,

How are you and how was your night? I hope your time at your friend's was good? I not feeling of taking care of a cancer patient. It was something I did for over  year when my wife was ill, not a good experience anyway, but then, it was worth doing it for a loved one.

I like it that you are very close to your kids the way I am to my daughter. I hope to meet with them when I am back. My daughter will not start having kids till she is thirty. She and her husband and in agreement to that. My daughter always asked me how did I manage with her mom to go through those years without having those kind of fight that destroys marriages? I tell my daughter, a good marriage is built on honesty, compromise and effective communication. These three things will breed understanding in the marriage. And she said he was living by them even while they were dating.

Marilyn, , I believe that I do have a lot to say and it must have been from my life experiences all summed up. Sometimes we get lost along the way, We were told to look for the brightest star, it may lead us back. Maybe after all that's happened, our paths will cross another soul seeking same life adventure, again and we won't be lost anymore because we would've found each other. Until then, I'll be looking out for you, guiding you through, Maybe you could be my guardian star too. Because I really want the life beyond dreams, To wake up to her smell, to open my eyes making her face the first thing I see in the morning.

I would sure love to chase her off with my naughty acts lol, because I really would love to see her smile and giggle over and over everyday. Most times I would love to drive with her next to me, and sometimes I get lazy and want to get spoilt so she can drive me too,(smiles). I think a dip in the pool middle of the night would be calming. I would love her to distract me while I get too entangled in my business works at home hehehe. Taking her to bed would be my joy and I would also love to watch her sleep.

Life is beautiful, and it starts the very day we realize all it takes to be happy .Do you know I have gotten a new glow since I started to talking to you this wonderful woman,(Smiles)? All my crew do notice the glow without effort and everybody wants to know why I smile for no reason while in meeting this morning. The men all have their uses, we have grown along with the years spent together. We share more friendship relationship than employer-employee relationship. Big Bill would love to see a picture of you, and that was why I asked for it. He is one who would never give you any problems among the crew of intelligent thugs I have, He is my closest and he practically manages me hehehe. Adam is the very naughty one who would give you the names of every single instrument in one sitting, He is a nut case and I am sure you would enjoy his sense of humor. Dan is the striker, He represents me , and my last trainee, Johnson . I trained them all and now they are my buddies. I am sure you will Enjoy their company. It is never a dull moment around the Intelligent Thugs Infact, in this similar fashion , Big Bill met his best friend and partner and he actually encouraged me. They are part of my house mate here.

I am a man who is known to have no fear, a high risk taker on business, but everyday in our lives actually goes through risk. I have shown you all I am, I will never pretend to win your heart, I will never hide a part of me from you. I took my last contract which is the biggest peak of anyone in my field, it cost me all and even loans to finance since it is my duty to handle local expenses till the end of the job so I get paid fully, if I did not take such risk how can I get high gain? such is the life we live my dear. I want to be very open to you.

I keep saying, people should stop going into relationships with these dreams only, We must realize at the same time there would be those moments we will need to be rebooted. There are times of anger when we would say things that we dont mean, and only those who want to remain hurt keep record of such wrongs and hold on to it. While we may have different views about some things , we only have to remember that we are all people with different views but what we have in common is general and it is the spirit of love and joy. I am happy to have a sense of hope, but like they say, Once in your life, you will find someone who will turn your world around. Hehehe You do work miracles, yet They say Angels don't exist, so why are you here? (Smiles). All of our young lives we search for someone to love, someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere and somehow there is someone searching for us, we will only grow to realize, we are the ones to look for it and recognize one when we see it. Do not let people deceive us about love, when people come and talk to you about their opinion about online dating, you should first check how perfect they themselves have lived the love life, to be qualified as the love professor because love is take what you get, Life: Forget yesterday, live today, and worry about tomorrow. Then love will come all on its own.

I wish I had the job to teach love to the world, it is actually not as hard as people take it to be. They just listen to too much advise on love affairs, not knowing the only thing that counts is the feelings in the heart, it is never an exam to be marked. As you can see, I am hopeful romantic hehe, seriously you will be shocked I may be the most romantic person you'll know, I cant help it and I cant change it, it is who and what I am. I say, it is either you take me for me or not, there is no shaping it. Do you agree with me that life is short no matter how long we live it? I think people should start worrying about how well they live rather than how long. We are never promised tomorrow, so have you made a good change today? just smiling at someone on the side walk could do the magic, it may soften a heart and the person may never be the same again, before you know it you have changed a life (smiles).

Who ever said finding love and building a happy home would be easy, we fight for it. I think I should start planning for life ahead, cos truly , the difference between a dead dream and one to pass is the step taken towards it. Are you ready?

Do find attache a photo of me. Looks like the first attachement never came through

Hope to hear from you soon my screen saver.


If you are reading this and any of it sounds familiar... then you are being scammed.  I am sure that there is a version of this for male victims too.  Please share and if you have more information... pass it along too!

Good luck out there and be aware of your surroundings on the internet.

Monday 18 May 2015

Email # 4

So things are heating up on both sides.  I really hoped he was real, because there could never be anything more perfect for any woman than a man like this. However... It is doubtful that there is any man that could hold a candle to this fabrication.

The next email sent to me from "Robin":

Hi Marilyn,

I woke up this morning with a feeling, a want, wishing I wake up to see a lover's face next to me, her breathe on my neck. They say, Come let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves and yet I am waking up alone yet again, but you must know You are the first thing to enter my mind in the morning and the last thing to leave my heart at night this days. Gradually you are becoming the one person I am finding comfort in. What I finally realized is that it doesn't matter how far you live, how different the culture is, it doesn't matter if you meet someone on the internet... true love can be found everywhere and it happens when you least expect it. What else do we live for if not for love. What is the most important thing God said about Love! Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest is Love.

I want to tell you about my living condition here, I live in a rented house with nine others of my expatriates staffs. I pay for the house quarterly. The building has eleven rooms, two kitchens, a tv room , a recreation room with a pool table, a pent house, a swimming pool and a lovely garden. It was specifically build for expatriates who come to the U.A.E to work for a period of time.

I am on the  north of Sharjah rig in the coast of Sharjah. haven to wake up every morning by 6 to catch up my chopper down here. Working from then till late at night, yet being able to be distracted by this woman (you). I have over 300 labors here, both skilled and locals, yet all could notice a new glow on my face.

My contract here entails I prepare the rig for production and exploration. I do not handle exploration but only construction. Right now we are installing the piping system and the drift indicators. Installations of the pumps will come later. You have captured my heart with your honesty and sincerity which I appreciate so well.

 If they had ever told me meeting someone over the air could be, I would have said, 'Impossible, impossible for me.' And if they said I'd find someone I really feel comfortable talking to beyond the computer's end, I would have said, Impossible, impossible, my friend.' To dream about what might have been is strange enough for me, but now it seems I'm living in a dream too beautiful to be. If they had said a moonbeam could calm a stormy sea, I know, I, Robin, would have said, Impossible, but now at last I see that nothing is impossible now you got my attention. The old prankster would say, it’s not a matter of finding the right person, but a matter of being the right person for the one you choose to love. People seem to forget mostly that love demands our hard work daily. Because really, Love is like trust, when you find you’re special someone it is as if you trust them with your heart.  Loving someone doesn't mean you have to be with that someone, because sometimes Fate plays a fool on us and we are not meant to be together. But still, there is love between us. So the most important thing is that the friendship created is one that can never be forgotten.  That is why I am happy with finding a new friend in you, because even if the end isn’t what we plan, the friendship will always be there, so it is a win win situation. Some people out there would talk about caution which has limited their abilities in life, because life
is just of the two options,

1. Worry yourself and remain on one spot,..
2. Dust yourself up and move on.

Yeah I know.

Your naughty friend.


It is beyond words how I was feeling at this point... I was heading down the rabbit hole!
I am sure there are many others out there who have received this same email or similar as I am sure they have to modify here and there.  It sure was starting to make me feel special however I was still very Leary of what was really going on... why me?  I am no one special in any big sense.  He hasn't even met me so how can he know anything about me or how perfect I could be for the right man?

Ladies... keep that guard up but play along because it is truly fun to be part of a whirlwind romance like this.  The truth will always reveal itself before too long.

stay tuned for the next email...  it just keeps getting better and better!

He Has Arrived email

So "Robin" finally arrived and of course was anxious to respond to me and tell me more about himself.  The "DANCE" had begun!

I have to admit I hadn't suspected anything really at this point.  I was rather excited to hear from him.

Another Tip:  If you read up on your dating site's recommendations to stay safe... only make contact through the dating site.  DO NOT go off the reservation and email or IM because that is what they need you to do so the dating site cannot track them.  I didn't read that tip but eventually my spidey senses came to life!   I would suggest that you read the safety tips on your dating site as this might help save you a ton of grief later.

So like I said... I received email # 2 and it was quite sensational.  The writing was incredible and I am a writer so it wowed me.

Here is email # 2:

Good Morning Marilyn (smiles),
I arrived safely last night and I suffered no Jetlag as was expected. I wanted to check my email and respond as fast as I can before my day starts. You must realize that I am eight hours ahead of you and my emails will be coming to you in the mornings your time while I am here.

How are you and how was your night? It is heart calming to see a message from you. It gives that feeling of hope
that things are going on well with us. I may not be around but we have started well.
Marilyn, I promise to always send you warm thoughts till I can meet with you. Isn't life so simple? but some people do a great job of screwing life up with their maybe, what ifs, what could have and so on. A happy mind wakes with joy in his heart because everyday we live is a blessing regardless of our worries. I can tell you the morning is really bright when you wake up in the morning, and  kiss your loved one on the forehead and wish them a good day.
Moving on to telling more about me, My interest are crossed. I love to play golf, surfing, traveling, skiing, Movies,
Reading, diving, going to the opera, pool and watching sport . At my leisure time I like doing my Gardening, I like to play basketball, football, soccer and horse riding. I want to own a horse but I have not had time as a result of me been busy. I enjoy listening to country music jazz, soft rock and soul music, I dislike rap music cos I feel its associated with violence. I have never smoked in my life, even when I am working on the high sea, I would rather took a whiskey than smoking. I can give anything just to relax on the beach.
My contract in the U.A.E has being on for about nine months and I have just about six weeks left to go. But I must say, its been a wonderful experience. You may be wondering why the U.A.E, giving everything that is happening in the middle east? Especially ISIS. The U.A.E is a very safe place and I would advice anyone to come for a visit. There are three countries I can recommend that are very safe in the middle east, U.A.E, Qatar and Kuwait. These countries are even safer that the holy land itself, I mean Saudi Arabia. After my last project here, I am quitting field works. Any other job would only require my attention from my home office.
Marilyn, the essence of online dating was never intended for people because they lack the courage to interact with opposite sex physically, but because research shows many of the soldiers back in the days who met women via letter writing actually live the life there after in good ways, and then it is now manifest that when people meet on the net, they should at least explore each other's mind for a while, share ideas and compare views, finding a common ground is a very great achievement, isn't it said that loving is the soul's recognition of its counterpart in another person.  In fact in the medium, it makes you know a person so well to a point you feel they are no more strangers, you would have escaped the possibilities of sentimental attractions in instant meetings , due to beauty, boldness and so on, where you won’t be able to really be who you are.
It might be a thought of the past, a once lonely man opened an email message from a stranger. It was a nice message but it was brief and at first glance, nothing led him to believe it was significant to this level, But soon, he might learn this message was very special indeed. Maybe it would be my story; we can’t know (smiles). Maybe on the other end, the other story would be, She sat at her computer and typed with frantic haste, There was so much she needed to say and so little time, Her heart poured out so easily through her fingers As the words appeared on the screen before her She filled her screen with her words of affection Then waited anxiously for him to type his reply, Her heart skipped as his reply appeared before her and She read and reread his words of endearment Then hurried to reply as her heart beat quickly With her emotions building higher with every word Telling how she yearned to be able to touch him, Longed to be able to see him, to gaze into his eyes (smiles) oh if that becomes your story.
There is no Mr right until we make him right. A relationship is never about how much at the beginning but how much we could make it grow. My old friend and pastor would tell me, if you aren't ready to feel or look stupid, then don't fall in love,lol But sincerely that is the bitter truth. When I lost my wife, he told me that the fact that something good ends doesn't mean something better cant start.
This is a journey we are trying to make here dear, and I know it’s probably not, the best thing, but I'll try it anyway, because I know it could be the best thing, it could be the best! But we would never know unless we try.  Seriously they say find arms that will hold you at your weakest, eyes that will see you at your ugliest, lips that will kiss you in both instances, and a heart that will love you at your worst. Only then will you have found your true love. I have always said I would want my woman, someone I would love at all stages of life, I mean even after we stop making love but play bingo. What is love all about? It's all about giving, taking, sharing and keeping. If you are willing to do all this, then you are ready to love that someone special. I would give all I have for the one thing that cannot be bought. (Smiles)
I really hope to hear from you soon and I have attached a photo for you.
An exciting stranger.


I think after reading this you will admit it is pretty romantic.   I was starting to think I really like this man!  He writes better than me lol  Of course... I responded back.

Another TIP:   Tell someone about this new "relationship" and bounce some of what you are reading and feeling off of a good friend or family member.  Keep them in the loop.  Eventually someone will be giving you advice and trying to bring you back down to earth lol   I totally understand how easy it is to fall hard because I did until....  you will understand when I pulled the plug.

To be continued...

My First Encounter with a Romance Scam

I was contacted via Skype several times by a man named Daniel Peltier who apparently lived in the south of France.  Unlike the scam I am documenting, this guy went from zero to ninety in two weeks. This was quite unbelievable.  He also started talking to me on Facebook and his page at first only had me as his only friend.  However, for a day or so there was another woman on there and then she disappeared.  Mostly we had a lot of French conversations with English thrown in.  He loved me more than life and wanted to web cam but seldom could we get it to work where I could hear him but he could hear me.  I would have included a picture but I deleted them :-(   Suffice to say... he was pretty damn HOT!

As time went on, he informed me that he had to deliver some cars to Switzerland and then South Africa.  What do I know about this kind of business... not much.  A few days later he said the trip to Switzerland was canceled and he was heading the next day to South Africa... this perked up my spidey sense!!!  I was just waiting for the ax to drop.

A day after he left, he contacted me to say he had arrived and would talk to me later that day.   The next contact was laughable.  He had been attacked and everything was gone... his money, his phone, his computer, his plane ticket, and of course he had been physically assaulted. He was afraid for his life.

Of course I asked how he was contacting me?  DUH!  This was the best part... he was at immigration where the cars were and he was using the head of immigration's computer who very generously allowed him to access Skype, Facebook, etc.  Are you kidding me? lol

Of course he was asking me for $1500  which then came down to $1000.  I am not sure how low he was going to go since he said he needed to pay for the cars to be released and then he could get out of the country.  He would get the money back to me as soon as he could get to his bank back in France.   It seems he had no friends or co-workers or any way to contact his company to help him.  Pretty fantastic, don't you think?

Later that day his Facebook account was shut down.  I hadn't reported anything so I suspect that one of his victims was farther along in the process than me and pulled the plug on him.  He disappeared.

So as you can see... they are everywhere and have all kinds of tricks or so they think.  The clue is when they go somewhere that you would find Nigerians, something terrible happens and of course they need money.  As you will see... my story to a T.

Anyway I had a good chuckle over it.  Who would have thought this would have happened twice, back to back?  Not me.


YouTube Videos on Romance scams you should watch

YouTube Videos to watch

I guess I should have watched this myself... my emails were shown word for word. 

Another Tip:   Try to get your new friend to some online and on webcam.  You will be unsuccessful since they cannot appear as the person in the photo.  That should be a big clue.

This is another sad story and quite an extreme ending that I wasn't expecting.  These people are ruthless and evil and care about nothing more than trying to get money.  They go to work everyday like you and me and this is their job.

Once this poor woman was of no further use since she had no more money to give him, he killed her. It boggles the mind how anyone could be so callous.  It took searching 3 countries to find her murderer, but they finally did.

So if anyone has more tips or something to share... please make a comment.  We need to get the word out there far and wide!

More to come...

Sunday 17 May 2015

Initial Contact

I received my first email from "Robin" and it was long and detailed.  I am attaching it for one simple reason... this is one of many email templates they would use and send and the words are searchable.  I searched online and found other posts of emails sent to other women and it was exact word for word!

Another Tip:  Besides searching online for your new friend by name, search phrases in your emails.  You might be sadly surprised by what you find.

Here is my first email from Robin:

Hi Marilyn,
Good afternoon and hope your day has been good thus far? My day has been busy with my packing, I am already set for my trip tomorrow morning.

I will be writing a detailed email of me, reserving only a few information that are less important. You will have to take be very relax to read my essay. smiles.

Hmmmm Marilyn! I must admit, I am relieved the first step is taken, the rest, only God can tell.(smiles) , Where should I start from? I really wish the introductions come like a form to be filled (smiles) I am only gingered because I know to attain greatness, it takes more than just the dream but an action to start with, maybe this could be the very first step to my dream future. How does one do justice to himself by introducing himself in writing? I guess by giving details of oneself to the best sincerity, probably a good thing as it brings the absence of blabbering , stammering and shyness that may make some information be withheld hehehe. Surely I will want to keep record of this day, cos there might come a time when I would wonder, "Was there ever a time that I did not know her" sure I would remember, yeah! " There must have been for we met on this beautiful day" and then at a time it may feels so long ago in the dim and distant past, for I may feel that we have known each other all our lives (smiles) . Don't mind my naughty self, I could write a novel daily if I get the chance. I have always believed so much in love theory for I found out it is the only price beyond money and only payment for true happiness.

I am Robin Ruud Hannes, I was born in the city Eindhoven, Netherlands in April 30 1956, to a Dutch father and an English mother from Liverpool, England. I left the Netherlands in my teenage years with my mother to the UK after the death of my father, in 1972. I was just sixteen at the time. I have lived, schooled and worked in England until 8 years back when my wife and I relocated first to Alberta, before moving to Oakville. Oakville is my late wife's accesteral home and she likes it there. I lost my wife in March 2009 and My mom 10 years back. I do not have any brother or sister as I am the only child to my parent. I have got uncles, Aunts and Cousins all living in England and Australia.

Like I told you on, I am a civil Engineer I do basically oil rig constructions and renovations. Or what we call a turn around maintenance. Right now I am on a contract to renovate an oil Rig in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates( U.A.E). I came back home to spend the holidays with my daughter. I believe in honesty and loyalty. I will be done there in five to six weeks.

Sharjah is one of the 7 Emirates of the UAE, like Abu Dhabi which is the seat of power and Dubai is the commercial Capital. Sharjah has a common boundary with Dubai. In fact, you cannot tell when you have left Dubai for sharjah or Sharjah for Dubai as you will think you are still in the city. This will happen if you do not know the boundary between them or not looking at the signs when driving. Toronto is bigger than the whole of Dubai and Sharjah put together, that tells you how small the  country is.

Moving on, I studied in the university of Liverpool, England and Imperial college London for my masters. I worked for British Petroleum for 18 yrs before I resign to become my own boss.

I have been a widow for 6 years now. my late wife was a lovely woman with a good heart. she was not a beauty but she was beautiful. She was 5 feet 3 inches tall. she died in March 2009.She new me so well that if she sees me frowning she knows what to do. If I am smiling she know what to do. I was married for 22 years before I lost her to ovarian cancer.Nina and I met in a conference in France. I was just a year and four months into my job with BP ( British Petroleum). we had our differences but we never slept over it, but rather made up after a couple of hours. understanding each other was the driving force behind our marriage. My daughter is 23 and she got married last year to her best friend and they live in Alberta.

One of my greatest dislikes is being dishonest or telling a lie. It drives me nut and it can spoil my mood for a whole day. When I am angry, I like being left alone as I will calm down all by myself, but I don't get angry easily and I forgive easily too when there is an apology. I am not a man who questions my partners decisions as much, I show her so much respect in other for her to respect me in return. like my mom always say, the woman makes the home. I am a giving man, cos its in giving that you receive. I think of people a lot and I like donating to charity organizations. I don't hate, as it is dangerous to hate, if I have my way no human on earth will be hungry.

I hope you enjoyed reading about me and I am Looking forward to the day two complete strangers will soon become friends, what a history to be part of.

I would love to hear from you soon. A new friend.


NOTE:   I found excerpts from this email online quite easily... I can almost guarantee that you won't find your new friend's name anywhere since he clearly does not exist.

I sent an email back in response and received my next email back from Robin quite soon after he "arrived" in Dubai.  I have to admit... whatever Nigerian scam syndicate put this all together, they went all out on this scam as you will see from each email I will share.  I have no idea what the return is on the investment is for them but from what I understand, These scams are big business and are the largest import of money coming into Nigeria.

Search YouTube for "Nigerian Romance Scams" and you will find more than you ever wanted to know.  These people are evil and care little about who they hurt or steal money from.  It is all a numbers game too.  So if you are in their web, you are one of thousands.

To be continued...

The Beginning

This is my story of an almost perfect romance scam that I experienced over the course of six weeks. The reason for telling my story is to warn other women of this scam so they can be aware of what to look for and when to stop the insanity.  I sincerely want to warn other women (and men) of the dangers out there and as the saying goes... "if it sounds too good to be true, it absolutely is!"


The best piece of advice I can give you... do not send any money no matter how hard they try to convince you that you will get it back later.

This all started when I joined a dating site one Sunday afternoon. within a day or two, I was contacted by a nice looking man who called himself Robin Ruud Hannes, born April 30th, 1956, in the Netherlands.  I am including a picture sent to me of him as I would like to find him and tell him that his pictures (all on his dating profile) were used without his knowledge or consent

Robin Hannes - the man I fell in love with
If you know this man, please let him know that his pictures (one with his daughter) are on the internet and being used by people who are perpetrating a Nigerian Romance Scam.  There are tons of videos on YouTube on this subject.  Go check it out!

I am going to include actual emails I received from "Robin" as these emails are scripted and sent to many other women who are caught in the hooks of this romance scam.  If you are or have been sucked into this vortex, you most likely have received these exact emails, word for word too.  Not only did I receive emails, eventually there were phone calls, texts, and conversations through Yahoo messenger.  This scam is well thought out and I imagine have worked well for them many times.

So if any of this is sounding familiar, then you or someone you know were probably scammed.

Stay tuned for more...