Saturday 23 May 2015

The details... where to send the money

I now needed to know the details of who this money was going to... This email tells it all.

The email:

Good morning My  Sunshine,

Today has been busy for me, but I can nevevr be busy not to have the time for you. How was your night? I love talking to you as it is always my happiest moment.

Please honey, like I said earlier, Do me a reminder by tomorrow or Sunday morning so I get al the guys together and we will take a photo for you.

Marilyn, You're truly the sun behind the cloud, the page behind the book covers. Every part of you is sensational in every way shape and form. I trust in you like soap trusts water. If I was to jump a bridge I know you would be my wings to fly me to safety. If the world was a straight line, we would follow its every move. If the sea were a blanket we would sleep under it. If the clouds were birds we would fly into the sky. At night we would paint our name in the stars, then travel the moon and look down on earth.

 As we lie next to each other in bed and sleep in each other's arms we will see each other in our dreams. We would travel the world and see the glory of nature. The beautiful flowers in their radiant colors, the different colors of the sea, the wild animals as they live their life. And then silence... it's all gone for we wake up in each other's arms, catching every second as we look at each other in our eyes, and catching every heartbeat that beats.

Loving you is easy because... you're the one for me. I trust you, I need you, I want you, and I know I have you. I love you, Marilyn.

LOve Eternally.


PS: You can do a western union money transfer to

Address: Jumeriah 1, Beach Road,
City: Sharjah
Country: United Arab Emirates.

He his my personal assistant. I will not have the time to pick the money as I will be working. He will pick the funds and bring it to me. You will email me the 10 digit numbers with the Full sender's name. 

The money never got there and I rec'd a flurry of messages on yahoo messenger.  I will eventually send this information to the govt. in Saudi Arabia to find this person.

I hope that some of the information you have read is helpful and will stop others from  going through this experience too.

PLEASE SHARE AND GET THIS INFORMATION OUT THERE!!!  These people need to be stopped.

His coming home...

He is finally talking about coming home...

The email:

Dearest Princess Sunshine,

How was your night honey, did you get a good sleep? I had a wonderful sleep. I tried calling twice but I could not get through. I will try again later.

I am taking a little time to write you a note. Thank you so much for having so much faith in me.

You are my everything. Thank you for loving me. You understand me and you know just how to make things right. You will never know just how much I love you, but I will spend the rest of my days trying to show you. You saved me from the worst, and you are always there for me. Fighting is never an option and making love is always as sweet as the first time. No matter what, there will never be another for me and I will always keep you safe. I love you so much.

I've told you many times and I'll still want to tell you again, Marilyn, I really thank God for you in my life. Maybe in this lifetime, you will never know how much I love, I care and cherish you. Whenever you're out there like yesterday, I'm worried for you because you mean so much to me, even more precious than my own life! I can never afford to lose you, Marilyn.

I have been thinking about my arrival, when I am going to meet you at the airport. I am getting butterflies in my stomach just at the thought of seeing you . You make everything complete and I can't imagine spending time with someone else and having these feelings for anyone else. I'm anxious to see you. Time is ticking, and it's going by really slow.

I really look forward to the day when the both of us will be walking down the red carpet hand in hand and in the name of love, we exchange marriage rings looking into each other eyes saying, "I do not regret for choosing you in my life I love you so much, and can't wait to be with you. I want to give you my heart and soul. I don't care about anything else in the world because I am in love with you Marilyn. I love you. Thank you Wifey, for you have made all of my dreams come true. I could not ask for more. I am the luckiest guy in the world to be called your Man, I'm truly honored. Thank you.

Love Eternally and Stay Bless.

The butter up!

Really buttering me up it seems... more to come!


Good Morning Sunshine,

How is your night?  I was able to make up the balance for the parts. My cousin could not come with anything, I had to use my upkeep money to make up for the balance. Now I am left with nothing. But I still feel better that I was able to pay for the parts this morning.
I love you so much Marilyn. You are so far and yet so close. You are many miles and so many moons away and I get lonely just thinking of the distance between us, yet in my heart you are just a beat away. When I feel blue, I picture you with me on a moon-lit night holding hands and planning our great future together. I think of the good times to come when I will be embraced by your love. I have been patient, my love, because I know good things come to those who wait.
Remember, our love is the link that holds our two hearts together and if I could put into words how you make me feel when I think of you, and how much you excite me when I hear your sweet sexy voice, I would be talking forever. You're all that I need and want, Honey. I live for the day that I can sit next to you and whisper into your ear and tell you that I love you, and kiss you ever so lightly but passionately on your lips, and to look into your beautiful eyes as you take my breath away. I live for that first look into your eyes, that first passionate kiss, that first embrace and that first time that we make love together. I live to live, to spend a lifetime with you as your Husband and to grow old with you, loving you for all times from now to eternity. I love to love you Marilyn.

Here it comes...

I figured asking for money was coming and after what I went through previously I was going to play this out.  See who would be involved and where they money trail went.

Next email:

Good Morning Sunshine,
Thank you for those photos and all the prayers, and I am putting those prayers to work. Please I will answer your questions when I am less busy with the prevailing situation.

Myself and Big Bill where putting our heads together after dinner last night to see how best we can get this over and done with. I told him I was going to make I few contacts this morning and he said he will talk to his wife  to see if she could come up with something. Of course, I will be paying them back as soon I am done here and my money is wired in my account. The contract sum is huge and I am making a lot from it. That was why I agreed to taking care of all expensis till the end of the project and I will be paid afterwards. I have attached two documents for you to see, only Big Bill has a clue how much this project is worth. And please do not share this document with anyone, becuase this document holds my financial future.

I have already made the contacts this morning, a few responded well while most of them had too many excuses . The only people who surprised me was my daughter and her Hubby. I least expected they will help as they are a new couple. They were able to raise $10,000  for me. They  said it was all their savings and I said I will pay them with interest and she replied, Dad. We only want the actual sum.

Big Bill is yet to contact his wife because of the time difference, they live in the San Diego, California. We are hopping for a positive response from her.

Marilyn, you must understand that I wouldn't let anything come between us and I cant risk my relationship for whatever I may need, but if you want to give me a hand, let me know how best you can then I can know what more to go and be sure I can be able to repay you. what do you think? You must first realize that it doesn't matter to me whether you are up to the task or not, because even a dime from my loved one would worth more than diamonds to me. As I have before Friday to get a vision of almost $22,000 to purchase spare parts worth about $175,000. I have a daily expenditure of $800 now you know why these whole thing is strangling my veins. I feel ashamed asking, because I am not a man known for this, it just that my hands are tied at the moment.

I need to rest  a bit as I feel a little ache in my head.

I love you so much.

the attachments really surprised me:

More bad news...

Of course things were going from bad to worse it seems... the setup was finally happening.

Next email:

My Love,

Thank you for sharing your dinner photo with me, it looks very yummy my love. Looks like I am in for some good food when I get back.

I finally got the attachment this morning. It was such a beautiful and heart warming message from you honey. I was smiling all through, until the moment I became down casted. I tried ordering the spare parts as I told you yesterday for onward replacement, but the company just informed me that the prices have gone up because of the cost of manufacturing. Immediately I contacted the parent company in china and they could only offer me a 5% discount from the instruction that was giving  to their representatives here. And what I have left with me is not enough to purchase this spare parts.

I need to have the spare parts fixed by this week to enable me meet up with my home coming date. And I must leave here on the 12th of May as I have set my sight on that date. I like keeping to my word, as I have promise I am going to hand the rig over on the 5th of May in spite of the accident. I don't want to disappoint them.

The whole thing is strangling my veins out and giving me a lot of headache. I wish this accident never happened? I wish I never had to spend that much? These are questions that cannot change what I am facing at the moment. I just thought I should let you know honey. I need to relax and think a away out of this.

I love you so much, I want you to know that you are always in my thought and I cannot wait to be with you soon.

Money details...

He started to share how much money this accident cost him.  Interesting!

The email:

My love,
Today has been very hectic for me running around to fix some things. Thank you for your uplifting words yesterday. I am glad my men are doing better now at the hospital, even though they have cost me personally over $92k. I gave out money to the deceased family this morning in form of compensation as he died in the line of duty and the family looks fine by it. And the hospital bills have all been taken care of. I did this very fast so that there will not be any form or resentment from any quarters. These Arabs can be very unpredictable, one moment they are smiling with you and the other moment they have turned against you. So I needed to act fast to avoid trouble. I just incurred a huge expenses I never planned for, such is life. I am still happy that there where no more casualty and the guys in the hospital will be discharged most likely by early next week or by the weekend of next week.

Today we will not be working, I asked everyone to take today off as a sign of respect for the deceased and the injured men at the hospital.

So tell me, how was your  night honey? You are such a wonderful and a kind woman, God could not have given me anyone other than you, I prayed for a good woman and he gave me a better woman. Thanks for your advice it lifted my spirit, I have taken care of everything already all I want is to leave here and be with you my love.

Thinking of you as usual and I am loving you more than ever.


The bomb has dropped...

So here is where it started to go downhill.

Email #13:

Good morning Sunshine,

How are you keeping up with your worries from the office? Something terrible happened  today. I got to work this morning even though late, but then, I had four locals down with serious injuries and one gone. This is the most painful thing I have come across. Now the Rig tow they were rushing to fix before my arrival, did swing into the best place after rolling down on them before time, so they were catalyst to its best position, but they did pay a hard price for this. I hate accidents on site, sometimes it makes you feel like not having to use local labors, because they sometimes make these mistakes that doesn't make sense. I feel bad enough to feel responsible for them. The four men are receiving treatment at Al Zahra Private hospital now, I just pray for the best for them, I pity the family of the deceased.
They spoilt my mood this morning cos they should have waited for us before making such vital installations. These are even men who lack basic insurance for that matter, risking their lives and now I feel responsible for what has happened to them. Maybe I should have been on the rig early enough, but I was too tired from yesterday.
Please honey promise me you will not discuss this accident with anyone, not even with your friend Dawinder. We are keeping this very confidential and especially from the press before the blow it out proportion. I have sent a message to the ministry of energy and they want us to keep this wrapped up so that no one will make a news out of it. Just know that I cannot keep anything away from you and I will always be honest and truthful to you.

The deceased was buried immediately  according to Muslim rites. I have attached some photos for you to see. The first is the deceased during the final Muslim prayers before burial. Second is one of the injured men Abdul being rush to the hospital from the rig. The third is another injured man Hamsik who is in pain and waiting to go into surgery. And the last is one of my expatriate staff Johnson who had a few cuts in his face.

Can't write much honey, would try later. Just know that you mean a lot to me! And I really appreciate you dear. The joy I feel in recent weeks is my best.


Stay tuned... it gets better!

These were the pics sent from this so-called accident: